
The European network for IgE-mediated autoimmunity and autoallergy (ENIGMA) initiative


Kolkhir, P.+, Altrichter, S., Badloe, F. M., Belasn, H., Charles, N., De Vriese, S., Gutermuth, J., Huygen, L., Kocatürk, E., Kortekaas Krohn, I., Muñoz, M., Moñino-Romero, S., Reber, L. L., Scheffel, J., Steinert, C., Xiang, Y.-K., and Maurer, M.: The European network for IgE-mediated autoimmunity and autoallergy (ENIGMA) initiative. Nat. Med. 2024: 30; 920-922. IF: TBD (IF 2023: 58.70)


The European network for IgE-mediated autoimmunity and autoallergy (ENIGMA) initiative Read More »

Green roof gardens – selecting allergy friendly vegetation: a GA²LEN position paper


Zuberbier, T.+, Stevanovic, K., Ansotegui, I. J., Anto, J. M., Bergmann, K.-C., D’Amato, G., Grüntuch-Ernst, A., Haahtela, T., Maurer, M., Pietikäinen, S., Christou, D., and Bousquet, J.: Green roof gardens – selecting allergy friendly vegetation: a GA²LEN position paper. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. Pract. 2023: 12; 347-354. IF: 8.20


Green roof gardens – selecting allergy friendly vegetation: a GA²LEN position paper Read More »