
Cryopyrin-assoziierte periodische Syndrome

57. Krause, K., Feist, E., Maurer, M., and Kallinich, T.: Cryopyrin-assoziierte periodische Syndrome (CAPS) – Prototypen autoinflammatorischer Erkrankungen. ZfKuJM 2011: 6; 349-357. IF: N/A


A mutation in the kringle domain of human factor XII that causes autoinflammation, disturbs zymogen quiescence and accelerates activation

371 Hofman, Z. L. M.*, Clark, C. C.*, Sanrattana, W., Nosairi, A., Parr, N., Zivkovic, M., Krause, K., Mahnke, N. A., Scheffel, J., Hack, C. E., Maurer, M., de Maat, S., and Maas, C.+: A mutation in the kringle domain of human factor XII that causes autoinflammation, disturbs zymogen quiescence and accelerates activation. J. Biol. Chem. 2020: 295; 363-374. IF: 5.16


How not to miss autoinflammatory diseases masquerading as urticaria

142 Krause, K., Grattan, C. E., Bindslev-Jensen, C., Gattorno, M., Kallinich, T., de Koning, H. D., Lachmann, H. J., Lipsker, D., Navarini, A. A., Simon, A., Traidl-Hoffmann, C., and Maurer, M.+: How not to miss autoinflammatory diseases masquerading as urticaria. Allergy 2012: 67; 1465-1474. IF: 5.88
