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Pharmacotherapy of chronic spontaneous urticaria

Filename 80. Makris et al., Pharmacother. EXP OP PHARMACOTH2013.pdf
Filesize 377,06 kB
Version r.080
Date added Juni 26, 2020
Downloaded 1 time
Category Reviews
Tags Anti-IgE, antihistamines, omalizumab, urticaria
Authors Makris, M., Maurer, M., and Zuberbier, T.
Citation Makris, M., Maurer, M., and Zuberbier, T.: Pharmacotherapy of chronic spontaneous urticaria. Expert Opin. Pharmacother. 2013: 14; 2511-2519.
Corresponding authors Zuberbier, T.
DocNum r.80
DocType PDF
Edition; Page 14; 2511-2519
IF 3.08
Publisher Expert Opin. Pharmacother.
ReleaseDate 2013

Introduction: Urticaria, by definition, is a disease presenting with wheals, angioedema or both. In patients with recurrent angioedema without wheals, urticaria needs to be distinguished from bradykinin-mediated angioedema, for example, hereditary angioedema or ACE inhibitor-induced angioedema.

Areas covered: Urticaria is comprised of acute and chronic forms. The latter group of chronic urticaria has many different subtypes needing partly differ- ent therapeutic approaches. However, all therapeutic approaches for symp- tomatic treatment center on reducing mast cell-mediator-release and preventing its effect.

Expert opinion: The current guidelines recommend non-sedating, second generation H1-antihistamines (nsAHs) as the first-line treatment. If needed, nsAHs are to be used at higher doses (up to fourfold the standard dose), and Omalizumab, Montelukast or Cyclosporin A (not in preferred order) are recommended as third-line options. Many alternative treatments have been reported but not tested in randomized controlled trials. These include among others dapsone, H2-antihistamines, anticoagulants and methotrexate. Some therapies should no longer be used according to current guidelines, since studies have shown their inefficacy or because new safety concerns have emerged. This mainly refers to the formally propagated use of sedating anti- histamines at night, which change REM-sleeping-patterns and learning curves and have been shown in head-to-head trials to not be superior in efficacy to non-sedating antihistamines.


(Last update: 12.2023)

Number of original publications in peer-reviewed journals:580
Number of reviews in peer-reviewed journals:210
Number of publications (original work and reviews) in peer-reviewed journals:790
Cumulative IF for original publications in peer-reviewed journals:4196.39
Cumulative IF for reviews in peer-reviewed journals:1409.32
Cumulative IF of publications (original work & reviews) in peer-reviewed journals:5605.71
Total number of citations: 36,836, h-index: 99 (Web of Science December 2023)36836


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