
Originalarbeiten, Bücher, Buchkapitel und Übersichtsartikel von Prof. Marcus Maurer

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Urticaria: Its History-Based Diagnosis and Etiologically Oriented Treatment

Filename 25.Maurer Grabbe ENGL.Urt.anamn.ther.Dt.Ärztebl.2008.pdf
Filesize 1,80 MB
Version r.025
Date added Juni 23, 2020
Downloaded 0 times
Category Reviews
Tags acute urticaria, antihistamines, Chronic Urticaria, hives, mast cells
Authors Maurer, M. and Grabbe, J.
Citation Maurer, M. and Grabbe, J.: Urtikaria - gezielte Anamnese und ursachenorientierte Therapie. Dtsch. Ärztebl. 2008: 105; 458-466.
Corresponding authors Maurer, M
DocNum R.25
DocType PDF
Edition; Page 105; 458-466
Publisher Dtsch. Ärztebl.
ReleaseDate 2008

Introduction: The term „urticaria“ refers to any of a group of distinct skin conditions that are characterized by itchy, wheal-and-flare skin reactions (hives). In spontaneous urticaria, the most common type, the hives seem to arise without provocation.

Methods: Selective review of the literature, including current guidelines.

Results: Spontaneous urticaria is divided into acute (lasting less than six weeks) and chronic types. The pathognomonic itching, hives, and angioedema arise by the same mechanism – cutaneous mast cell activation and releaseof histamin and other mediators of inflammation – in both acute and chronic urticaria, but these two disorders have different etiological profiles. The underlying cause of acute urticaria cannot be identified in about half of all cases. Chronic urticaria, which is much rarer, is usually caused by autoreactivity, chronic infection, or intolerance to food additives. If the condition persists after the underlying cause has been treated or eliminated, non-sedating antihistamines are the agents of first choice for symptomatic treatment.

Discussion: Unlike acute urticaria, which is self-limited and should be treated symptomatically, chronic urticaria should be treated by the identification and elimination of underlying causes, which is usually curative.


(Last update: 12.2023)

Number of original publications in peer-reviewed journals:580
Number of reviews in peer-reviewed journals:210
Number of publications (original work and reviews) in peer-reviewed journals:790
Cumulative IF for original publications in peer-reviewed journals:4196.39
Cumulative IF for reviews in peer-reviewed journals:1409.32
Cumulative IF of publications (original work & reviews) in peer-reviewed journals:5605.71
Total number of citations: 36,836, h-index: 99 (Web of Science December 2023)36836


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