
Publications, Books, Book Chapters and Reviews by Prof. Marcus Maurer, MD

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Anaphylaxis to mepolizumab and omalizumab in a single patient – is polysorbate the culprit?

Filename 394. Bergmann et al., Anaphylaxis to Mepo and Oma,JIACI2020.pdf
Filesize 480.85 KB
Version o.394
Date added August 8, 2020
Downloaded 2 times
Category Original Work
Tags Anaphylaxis, asthma, Mepolizumab, omalizumab
Authors Bergmann, K.-C., Maurer, M., Church, M. K., and Zuberbier, T.
Citation Bergmann, K.-C., Maurer, M., Church, M. K., and Zuberbier, T.: Anaphylaxis to mepolizumab and omalizumab in a single patient – is polysorbate the culprit? J. Invest. Allergol. Clin. Immunol. 2020: 30; 285-287.
Corresponding authors Church, M. K.
DocNum o.394
DocType PDF
IF 4.33
Publisher J. Invest. Allergol. Clin. Immunol.
ReleaseDate 2020

The past decade has seen an increase in the use of biological agents such as mepolizumab and omalizumab for the treatment of severe asthma. These agents reduce the frequency of exacerbations, allow for reduced oral corticosteroid use, and increase quality of life. Their safety profile is generally very good. Beside local adverse effects, which are comparable in placebo-controlled clinical trials, there are very few reports on anaphylactic reactions to these biologics.


(Last update: 12.2023)

Number of original publications in peer-reviewed journals:580
Number of reviews in peer-reviewed journals:210
Number of publications (original work and reviews) in peer-reviewed journals:790
Cumulative IF for original publications in peer-reviewed journals:4196.39
Cumulative IF for reviews in peer-reviewed journals:1409.32
Cumulative IF of publications (original work & reviews) in peer-reviewed journals:5605.71
Total number of citations: 36,836, h-index: 99 (Web of Science December 2023)36836


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