
Publications, Books, Book Chapters and Reviews by Prof. Marcus Maurer, MD

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Angioedema in chronic spontaneous urticaria is underdiagnosed and has a substantial impact: analyses from ASSURE-CSU

Filename 318. Sussman et al., AE in CSU, ASSURE, Allergy 2018.pdf
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Version o.318
Date added June 13, 2020
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Category Original Work
Tags angioedema, economic burden, observational study, Quality of life, urticaria
Authors Sussman, G., Abuzakouk, M., Bérard, F., Canonica, W., Oude Elberink, H., Giménez-Arnau, A., Grattan, C., Hollis, K., Hunter, S., Knulst, A., Lacour, J. P., Lynde, C., Marsland, A., McBride, D., Maurer, M. Nakonechna, A., Ortiz de Frutos, J., Reynolds, M., Sweeney, C., Tian, H., Weller, K., Wolin, D., and Balp, M. M.
Citation Sussman, G., Abuzakouk, M., Bérard, F., Canonica, W., Oude Elberink, H., Giménez-Arnau, A., Grattan, C., Hollis, K., Hunter, S., Knulst, A., Lacour, J. P., Lynde, C., Marsland, A., McBride, D., Maurer, M. Nakonechna, A., Ortiz de Frutos, J., Reynolds, M., Sweeney, C., Tian, H., Weller, K., Wolin, D., and Balp, M. M.: Angioedema in chronic spontaneous urticaria is underdiagnosed and has a substantial impact: analyses from ASSURE-CSU. Allergy 2018: 73; 1724-1734.
Corresponding authors Sussman, G.
DocNum O.318
DocType PDF
Edition; Page 73; 1724-1734
IF 6.77
Publisher Allergy
ReleaseDate 2018

Background: ASSURE-CSU revealed differences in physician and patient reporting of angioedema. This post hoc analysis was conducted to evaluate the actual rate of angioedema in the study population and explore differences between patients with and without angioedema.

Methods: This international observational study assessed 673 patients with inade- quately controlled chronic spontaneous urticaria (CSU). Physicians abstracted angioedema data from medical records, which were compared with patient-reported data. Patients in the Yes-angioedema category had angioedema reported in the medi- cal record and a patient-reported source. For those in the No-angioedema category, angioedema was reported in neither the medical record nor a patient-reported source. Those in the Misaligned category had angioedema reported in only one source. Statistical comparisons between Yes-angioedema and No-angioedema cate- gories were conducted for measures of CSU activity, health-related quality of life (HRQoL), productivity and healthcare resource utilization (HCRU). Regression analy- ses explored the relationship between Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) score and angioedema, adjusting for important covariates.

Results: Among evaluable patients, 259 (40.3%), 173 (26.9%) and 211 (32.8%) were in the Yes-angioedema, No-angioedema and Misaligned category, respectively. CSU activity and impact on HRQoL, productivity, and HCRU was greater for Yes-angioe- dema patients than No-angioedema patients. After covariate adjustment, mean DLQI score was significantly higher (indicating worse HRQoL) for patients with angioe- dema versus no angioedema (9.88 vs 7.27, P < .001). The Misaligned category had similar results with Yes-angioedema on all outcomes.

Conclusions: Angioedema in CSU seems to be under-reported but has significant negative impacts on HRQoL, daily activities, HCRU and work compared with no angioedema.


(Last update: 12.2023)

Number of original publications in peer-reviewed journals:580
Number of reviews in peer-reviewed journals:210
Number of publications (original work and reviews) in peer-reviewed journals:790
Cumulative IF for original publications in peer-reviewed journals:4196.39
Cumulative IF for reviews in peer-reviewed journals:1409.32
Cumulative IF of publications (original work & reviews) in peer-reviewed journals:5605.71
Total number of citations: 36,836, h-index: 99 (Web of Science December 2023)36836


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