
Publications, Books, Book Chapters and Reviews by Prof. Marcus Maurer, MD

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Definition, aims, and implementation of GA²LEN/HAEi angioedema centers of reference and excellence

Filename 395. Maurer et al., ACARE, Allergy2020.pdf
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Date added August 8, 2020
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Category Original Work
Tags ACARE, and HAE international (HAEi), GA2LEN, the Global Allergy and Asthma European Network
Authors Maurer, M., Aberer, W., Agondi, R., Al-Ahmad, M., Al-Nesf, M., Ansotgui, I., Arnaout, R., Arruda, L. K., Asero, R., Aygören-Pürsün, E., Banerji, A., Bauer, A., Ben-Shoshan, M., Berardi, A., Bernstein, J., Betschel, S., Bindslev-Jensen, C., Bizjak, M., Boccon-Gibod, I., Bork, K., Bouillet, L., Boysen, H. B., Brodszki, N., Broesby-Olsen, S., Busse, P., Buttgereit, T., Bygum, A., Caballero, T., Campos, R. A., Cancian, M., Cherrez-Ojeda, I., Cohn, D. M., Costa, C., Craig, T., Criado, P. R., Criado, R., Csuka, D., Dissemond, J., Du-Thanh, A., Ensina, L. F., Ertaş, R., Fabiani, J. E., Fantini, C., Farkas, H., Ferrucci, S. M., Figueras-Nart, I., Fili, N. L., Fomina, D., Fukunaga, A., Gelincik, A., Giménez-Arnau, A., Godse, K., Gompels, M., Gonçalo, M., Gotua, M., Gower, R., Grumach, A. S., Guidos-Fogelbach, G., Hide, M., Ilina, N., Inomata, N., Jakob, T., Josviack, D. O., Kang, H.-R., Kaplan, A., Kasperska-Zając, A., Katelaris, C., Kessel, A., Kleinheinz, A., Kocatürk, E., Košnik, M., Krasowska, D., Kulthanan, K., Kumaran, M. S., Larco Sousa, J. I., Longhurst, H. I., Lumry, W., MacGinnitie, A., Magel, M., Makris, M. P., Malbrán, A., Marsland, A., Martinez-Saguer, I., Medina, I. V., Meshkova, R., Metz, M., Nasr, I., Nicolay, J., Nishigori, C., Ohsawa, I., Özyurt, K., Papadopoulos, N. G., Parisi, C. A. S., Peter, J. G., Pfützner, W., Popov, T., Prior, N., Ramon, G. D., Reich, A., Reshef, A., Riedl, M. A., Ritchie, B., Röckmann-Helmbach, H., Rudenko, M., Salman, A., Sanchez-Borges, M., Schmid-Grendelmeier, P., Serpa, F. S., Serra-Baldrich, E., Sheikh, F. R., Smith, W., Soria, A., Staubach, P., Steiner, U. C., Stobiecki, M., Sussman, G., Tagka, A., Thomsen, S. F., Treudler, R., Valle, S., van Doorn, M., Varga, L., Vázquez, D. O., Wagner, N., Wang, L., Weber-Chrysochoou, C., Ye, Y.-M., Zalewska-Janowska, A., Zanichelli, A., Zhao, Z., Zhi, Y., Zuberbier, T., Zwiener, R. D., and Castaldo, A.
Citation Maurer, M., Aberer, W., Agondi, R., Al-Ahmad, M., Al-Nesf, M., Ansotgui, I., Arnaout, R., Arruda, L. K., Asero, R., Aygören-Pürsün, E., Banerji, A., Bauer, A., Ben-Shoshan, M., Berardi, A., Bernstein, J., Betschel, S., Bindslev-Jensen, C., Bizjak, M., Boccon-Gibod, I., Bork, K., Bouillet, L., Boysen, H. B., Brodszki, N., Broesby-Olsen, S., Busse, P., Buttgereit, T., Bygum, A., Caballero, T., Campos, R. A., Cancian, M., Cherrez-Ojeda, I., Cohn, D. M., Costa, C., Craig, T., Criado, P. R., Criado, R., Csuka, D., Dissemond, J., Du-Thanh, A., Ensina, L. F., Ertaş, R., Fabiani, J. E., Fantini, C., Farkas, H., Ferrucci, S. M., Figueras-Nart, I., Fili, N. L., Fomina, D., Fukunaga, A., Gelincik, A., Giménez-Arnau, A., Godse, K., Gompels, M., Gonçalo, M., Gotua, M., Gower, R., Grumach, A. S., Guidos-Fogelbach, G., Hide, M., Ilina, N., Inomata, N., Jakob, T., Josviack, D. O., Kang, H.-R., Kaplan, A., Kasperska-Zając, A., Katelaris, C., Kessel, A., Kleinheinz, A., Kocatürk, E., Košnik, M., Krasowska, D., Kulthanan, K., Kumaran, M. S., Larco Sousa, J. I., Longhurst, H. I., Lumry, W., MacGinnitie, A., Magel, M., Makris, M. P., Malbrán, A., Marsland, A., Martinez-Saguer, I., Medina, I. V., Meshkova, R., Metz, M., Nasr, I., Nicolay, J., Nishigori, C., Ohsawa, I., Özyurt, K., Papadopoulos, N. G., Parisi, C. A. S., Peter, J. G., Pfützner, W., Popov, T., Prior, N., Ramon, G. D., Reich, A., Reshef, A., Riedl, M. A., Ritchie, B., Röckmann-Helmbach, H., Rudenko, M., Salman, A., Sanchez-Borges, M., Schmid-Grendelmeier, P., Serpa, F. S., Serra-Baldrich, E., Sheikh, F. R., Smith, W., Soria, A., Staubach, P., Steiner, U. C., Stobiecki, M., Sussman, G., Tagka, A., Thomsen, S. F., Treudler, R., Valle, S., van Doorn, M., Varga, L., Vázquez, D. O., Wagner, N., Wang, L., Weber-Chrysochoou, C., Ye, Y.-M., Zalewska-Janowska, A., Zanichelli, A., Zhao, Z., Zhi, Y., Zuberbier, T., Zwiener, R. D., and Castaldo, A.: Definition, aims, and implementation of GA²LEN/HAEi angioedema centers of reference and excellence. Allergy 2020: 75; 2115-2123.
Corresponding authors Maurer, M.
DocNum o.395
DocType PDF
IF 13.15
Publisher Allergy
ReleaseDate 2020

This document summarizes the aims of GA2LEN/HAEi Angioedema Centers of Reference and Excellence (ACAREs) and elaborates the requirements that ACAREs must fulfill to become certified. It also provides (see Appendix S1) background information on GA2LEN and HAEi, including HAEi member organizations and regional patient advocates, on why we need an Angioedema Center of Reference and Excellence (ACARE) program and network, and on the accreditation and certification process, governance and funding, and on the interaction with other GA2LEN networks of centers of reference and excellence. The protocols, aims, requirements, and provisions related to becoming a certified ACARE are based on (a) the experience of the GA2LEN UCARE network and (b) input from angioedema patients, general practitioners, and angioedema specialists.


(Last update: 12.2023)

Number of original publications in peer-reviewed journals:580
Number of reviews in peer-reviewed journals:210
Number of publications (original work and reviews) in peer-reviewed journals:790
Cumulative IF for original publications in peer-reviewed journals:4196.39
Cumulative IF for reviews in peer-reviewed journals:1409.32
Cumulative IF of publications (original work & reviews) in peer-reviewed journals:5605.71
Total number of citations: 36,836, h-index: 99 (Web of Science December 2023)36836


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