
Publications, Books, Book Chapters and Reviews by Prof. Marcus Maurer, MD

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Efficacy and safety of Dupilumab for moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis: a systematic review for the EAACI biologicals guidelines

Filename 411. Agache et al., Eff and saf. Dupi EAACI biol, Allergy 2021.pdf
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Version o.411
Date added November 17, 2020
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Category Original Work
Tags atopic dermatitis, cost-effectiveness, dupilumab, EASI, SCORAD
Authors Agache, I., Song, Y., Posso, M., Alonso-Coello, P., Rocha, C., Solà, I., Beltran, J., Akdis, C., Akdis, M., Brockow, K., Chivato, T., del Giacco, S., Eiwegger, T., Eyerich, K., Giménez-Arnau, A., Gutermuth, J., Guttman-Yassky, E., Maurer, M., Ogg, G., Ong, P. Y., O’Mahony, L., Schwarze, J., Werfel, T., Canelo-Aybar, C., Palomares, O., and Jutel, M.
Citation Agache, I., Song, Y., Posso, M., Alonso-Coello, P., Rocha, C., Solà, I., Beltran, J., Akdis, C., Akdis, M., Brockow, K., Chivato, T., del Giacco, S., Eiwegger, T., Eyerich, K., Giménez-Arnau, A., Gutermuth, J., Guttman-Yassky, E., Maurer, M., Ogg, G., Ong, P. Y., O’Mahony, L., Schwarze, J., Werfel, T., Canelo-Aybar, C., Palomares, O., and Jutel, M.: Efficacy and safety of Dupilumab for moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis: a systematic review for the EAACI biologicals guidelines. Allergy 2021: 76; 45-58.
Corresponding authors Agache, I.
DocNum o.411
DocType PDF
Equivalent authors Canelo-Aybar, C., Palomares, O., Jutel, M.
IF 14.71
Publisher Allergy
ReleaseDate 2021

This systematic review evaluates the efficacy, safety and economic impact of dupilumab compared to standard of care for uncontrolled moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis (AD). Pubmed, EMBASE and Cochrane Library were searched for RCTs and health economic evaluations. Critical and important AD-related outcomes were considered. The risk of bias and the certainty of the evidence were assessed using GRADE. Seven RCTs including 1845 subjects >12 years treated with dupilumab 16 to 52 weeks were evaluated. For adults, there is high certainty that dupilumab decreases SCORAD (MD −30,72; 95% CI −34,65% to −26,79%) and EASI-75 (RR 3.09; 95% CI 2.45 to 3.89), pruritus (RR 2.96; 95% CI 2.37 to 3.70), rescue medication (RR 3.46; 95% CI 2.79 to 4.30), sleep disturbance (MD −7.29; 95% CI −8.23 to −6.35) and anxiety/ depression (MD −3.08; 95% CI −4.41 to −1.75) and improves quality of life (MD −4.80; 95% CI −5.55 to −4.06). The efficacy for adolescents is similar. Dupilumab-related adverse events (AEs) slightly increase (low certainty). The evidence for dupilumab- related serious AE is uncertain. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio ranged from 28 500 £ (low certainty) to 124 541 US$ (moderate certainty). More data on long- term safety are needed both for children and for adults, together with more efficacy data in the paediatric population.
Registration: PROSPERO (CRD42020153645).


(Last update: 12.2023)

Number of original publications in peer-reviewed journals:580
Number of reviews in peer-reviewed journals:210
Number of publications (original work and reviews) in peer-reviewed journals:790
Cumulative IF for original publications in peer-reviewed journals:4196.39
Cumulative IF for reviews in peer-reviewed journals:1409.32
Cumulative IF of publications (original work & reviews) in peer-reviewed journals:5605.71
Total number of citations: 36,836, h-index: 99 (Web of Science December 2023)36836


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