
Publications, Books, Book Chapters and Reviews by Prof. Marcus Maurer, MD

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High-dose desloratadine decreases wheal volume and improves cold provocation thresholds compared with standard-dose treatment in patients with acquired cold urticaria: A randomized, placebo-controlled, crossover study

Filename 70. Siebenhaar et al., Desloratadine, JACI 2009.pdf
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Date added May 27, 2020
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Category Original Work
Authors Siebenhaar, F., Degener, F., Zuberbier, T., Martus, P., and Maurer, M.
Citation Siebenhaar, F., Degener, F., Zuberbier, T., Martus, P., and Maurer, M.: High-dose desloratadine decreases wheal volume and improves cold provocation thresholds compared with standard-dose treatment in patients with acquired cold urticaria: a randomized, placebo-controlled, crossover study. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 2009: 123; 672-679. IF: 9.16
Corresponding authors Maurer, M.
DocNum O.70
DocType PDF
Edition; Page 123; 672-679
IF 9.16
Publisher J. Allergy Clin. Immunol.
ReleaseDate 2009

Background: Increased dosing of nonsedating antihistamines is recommended by the current European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology/Global Allergy and Asthma European Network/European Dermatology Forum guidelines on patients with acquired cold urticaria (ACU) who do not respond satisfactorily to the standard dose. Prospective data supporting this recommendation are scant.

Objective: We sought to assess the effects of 5 and 20 mg of desloratadine and placebo on cold-induced urticarial reactions in patients with ACU.

Methods: In this prospective, randomized, double-blind, 3-way crossover trial, patients with ACU (n 5 30) received placebo, 5 mg of desloratadine, and 20 mg of desloratadine every day each for 7 days separated by 14-day washout periods. At the end of each treatment, patients underwent cold provocation with the TempTest 2.0/2.1 system, and urticarial reactions were assessed by using digital 3-dimensional time-lapse photography and thermography; the critical temperature threshold (CTT) and critical stimulation time threshold (CSTT) were measured. Adverse events (AEs) reported during the study were assessed.

Results: Compared with placebo, 7 days of desloratadine at 5 and 20 mg/d significantly reduced the volume of cold-induced wheals and areas of hyperthermic skin and improved CTT and CSTT results. Desloratadine at 20 mg/d significantly reduced cold-induced wheal volume and CTT and CSTT values versus desloratadine at 5 mg/d. Desloratadine was well tolerated, with
no increased rate of somnolence or other AEs with 20 mg of desloratadine.

Conclusions: Desloratadine at standard and high doses significantly improved objective signs of ACU provoked by cold exposure. Desloratadine at 4 times the standard dose significantly reduced ACU lesion severity versus 5 mg of desloratadine without an increase in AEs. This study supports current guidelines that increased desloratadine dosing might benefit patients with urticaria who do not respond to standard doses


(Last update: 12.2023)

Number of original publications in peer-reviewed journals:580
Number of reviews in peer-reviewed journals:210
Number of publications (original work and reviews) in peer-reviewed journals:790
Cumulative IF for original publications in peer-reviewed journals:4196.39
Cumulative IF for reviews in peer-reviewed journals:1409.32
Cumulative IF of publications (original work & reviews) in peer-reviewed journals:5605.71
Total number of citations: 36,836, h-index: 99 (Web of Science December 2023)36836


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