
Publications, Books, Book Chapters and Reviews by Prof. Marcus Maurer, MD

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Lesions on the back of hands and female gender predispose to stigmatization in patients with psoriasis

Filename 268. Hawro et al., Lesions back of hands psor,JAAD 2017.pdf
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Date added July 30, 2020
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Category Original Work
Tags Psoriasis, psychodermatology, Quality of life, skin lesions, social rejection, social stigma, stigmatization
Authors Hawro, M., Maurer, M. Weller, K., Maleszka, R., Zalewska-Janowska, A., Kaszuba, A., Gerlicz-Kowalczuk, Z., and Hawro, T.
Citation Hawro, M., Maurer, M. Weller, K., Maleszka, R., Zalewska-Janowska, A., Kaszuba, A., Gerlicz-Kowalczuk, Z., and Hawro, T.: Lesions on the back of hands and female gender predispose to stigmatization in patients with psoriasis. J. Am. Acad. Dermatol. 2017: 76; 648-654.
Corresponding authors Hawro, T.
DocNum O.268
DocType PDF
Edition; Page 76; 648-654
IF 6.90
Publisher J. Am. Acad. Dermatol.
ReleaseDate 2017

Background: Psoriasis vulgaris is characterized by disfiguring and stigmatizing skin lesions. The linksamong lesions distribution, severity, and stigmatization remain unclear.

Objective: We sought to investigate if the involvement of visible and sensitive areas is linked to stigmatization.

Methods: In all, 115 patients with psoriasis vulgaris were assessed for disease severity, skin lesions-distribution, itch, and stigmatization using the Feelings of Stigmatization Questionnaire. Quality of life wasassessed with the Dermatology Life Quality Index and the World Health Organization Quality of Life-BREF.

Results: The localization of psoriatic lesions on the back of hands was related to higher stigmatization levels (P= .011, total score of the Feelings of Stigmatization Questionnaire), but not the involvement of nails, the palms, the face, or the genital area nor overall disease severity. All patients reported some level ofstigmatization, regardless of the localization of lesions and type of psoriasis. Higher levels of stigmatizationcharacterized patients who claimed not to be able to hide their lesions by clothing (P= .025), women(P= .001), and the unemployed (P= .004). Stigmatization was the strongest predictor of quality of lifeimpairment.

Limitations: Only hospitalized patients were included.

Conclusions:Psoriatic lesions on the back of hands are debilitating and warrant effective treatment.Special attention should be paid to female patients, who are more sensitive to stigmatization. ( J Am AcadDermatol 2017;76:648-54.)


(Last update: 12.2023)

Number of original publications in peer-reviewed journals:580
Number of reviews in peer-reviewed journals:210
Number of publications (original work and reviews) in peer-reviewed journals:790
Cumulative IF for original publications in peer-reviewed journals:4196.39
Cumulative IF for reviews in peer-reviewed journals:1409.32
Cumulative IF of publications (original work & reviews) in peer-reviewed journals:5605.71
Total number of citations: 36,836, h-index: 99 (Web of Science December 2023)36836


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