
Publications, Books, Book Chapters and Reviews by Prof. Marcus Maurer, MD

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The international WAO/EAACI guideline for the management of hereditary angioedema – the 2017 revision and update

Filename 309. Maurer et al., HAE Guidelines, Allergy 2018.pdf
Filesize 845.33 KB
Version o.309
Date added June 9, 2020
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Category Original Work
Tags C1-inhibitor, Guideline, Hereditary Angioedema, management, Recommendations
Authors Maurer, M., Magerl, M., Ansotegui, I., Aygören-Pürsün, E., Betschel, S., Bork, K., Bowen, T., Balle Boysen, H., Farkas, H., Grumach, A. S., Hide, M., Katelaris, C., Lockey, R., Longhurst, H., Lumry, W., Martinez-Saguer, I., Moldovan, D., Nast, A., Pawankar, R., Potter, P., Riedl, M., Ritchie, B., Rosenwasser, L., Sánchez-Borges, M., Zhi, X., Zuraw, B., and Craig, T.
Citation Maurer, M., Magerl, M., Ansotegui, I., Aygören-Pürsün, E., Betschel, S., Bork, K., Bowen, T., Balle Boysen, H., Farkas, H., Grumach, A. S., Hide, M., Katelaris, C., Lockey, R., Longhurst, H., Lumry, W., Martinez-Saguer, I., Moldovan, D., Nast, A., Pawankar, R., Potter, P., Riedl, M., Ritchie, B., Rosenwasser, L., Sánchez-Borges, M., Zhi, X., Zuraw, B., and Craig, T.: The international WAO/EAACI guideline for the management of hereditary angioedema – the 2017 revision and update. Allergy 2018: 73; 1575-1596.
Corresponding authors Maurer, M.
DocNum O.309
DocType PDF
Edition; Page 73; 1575-1596.
IF 6.77
Publisher Allergy
ReleaseDate 2018

Hereditary Angioedema (HAE) is a rare and disabling disease. Early diagnosis and appropriate therapy are essential. This update and revision of the global guideline for HAE provides up-to-date consensus recommendations for the management of HAE. In the development of this update and revision of the guideline, an interna- tional expert panel reviewed the existing evidence and developed 20 recommenda- tions that were discussed, finalized and consented during the guideline consensus conference in June 2016 in Vienna. The final version of this update and revision of the guideline incorporates the contributions of a board of expert reviewers and the endorsing societies. The goal of this guideline update and revision is to provide clini- cians and their patients with guidance that will assist them in making rational deci- sions in the management of HAE with deficient C1-inhibitor (type 1) and HAE with dysfunctional C1-inhibitor (type 2). The key clinical questions covered by these rec- ommendations are: (1) How should HAE-1/2 be defined and classified?, (2) How should HAE-1/2 be diagnosed?, (3) Should HAE-1/2 patients receive prophylactic and/or on-demand treatment and what treatment options should be used?, (4) Should HAE-1/2 management be different for special HAE-1/2 patient groups such as pregnant/lactating women or children?, and (5) Should HAE-1/2 management incorporate self-administration of therapies and patient support measures?


(Last update: 12.2023)

Number of original publications in peer-reviewed journals:580
Number of reviews in peer-reviewed journals:210
Number of publications (original work and reviews) in peer-reviewed journals:790
Cumulative IF for original publications in peer-reviewed journals:4196.39
Cumulative IF for reviews in peer-reviewed journals:1409.32
Cumulative IF of publications (original work & reviews) in peer-reviewed journals:5605.71
Total number of citations: 36,836, h-index: 99 (Web of Science December 2023)36836


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