
Publications, Books, Book Chapters and Reviews by Prof. Marcus Maurer, MD

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Update on chronic urticaria: focusing on mechanisms

Version r.027
Date added June 23, 2020
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Category Reviews
Authors Młynek, A., Maurer, M., and Zalewska, A.
Citation Młynek, A., Maurer, M., and Zalewska, A.: Update on chronic urticaria: focusing on mechanisms. Curr. Opin. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 2008: 8; 433-437.
Corresponding authors Zalewska, A.
DocNum R.27
DocType PDF
Edition; Page 8; 433-437
IF 3.50
Publisher Curr. Opin. Allergy Clin. Immunol.
ReleaseDate 2008

Purpose of review: This review discusses some of the recent advances in basic and clinical research focused on chronic urticaria. It is a concise summary of issues that occupied researchers’ attention in the previous year, and it discusses a selection of novel findings that further our understanding of the pathomechanism of this disease.

Recent findings: Particular consideration is given to the role of basophils, the coagulation cascade, fibrinolysis, and hormonal pathways in chronic urticaria pathogenesis. The description of clinical data is focused on prognostic issues, disease severity, and the effects of the disease on patients’ quality of life.

Summary: Mast cells are the key elements in chronic urticaria pathogenesis, whereas basophils should be regarded as bystanders and serve as biomarkers in some chronic urticaria subsets. The coagulation cascade, hormonal factors, and the psychological status of the patients seem to contribute substantially to the course and activity of the disease. Nonsedating second-generation antihistamines should be considered as firstline symptomatic treatment for chronic urticaria. Of note, the dosage should be increased up to four-fold if required before switching to second-line therapies.


(Last update: 12.2023)

Number of original publications in peer-reviewed journals:580
Number of reviews in peer-reviewed journals:210
Number of publications (original work and reviews) in peer-reviewed journals:790
Cumulative IF for original publications in peer-reviewed journals:4196.39
Cumulative IF for reviews in peer-reviewed journals:1409.32
Cumulative IF of publications (original work & reviews) in peer-reviewed journals:5605.71
Total number of citations: 36,836, h-index: 99 (Web of Science December 2023)36836


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